Product Details
Kerala Ayurveda I-Clear 10
Our eyes are literally the windows to our world. Yet, there is little that we do to take care of them on a routine basis. The average person gets more conscious of the health of their eyes only after there has been a problem. I-Clear 10 Ayurvedic medicine for eyes ideally helps to maintain the good health of the eyes and find relief from common eye issues. The most common eye problems today are caused by modern lifestyles and habits. Long hours spent staring at a screen or bent over a smart device are stressful for the eyes. Most of our daylight hours are spent indoors under artificial light. This results in blurry vision, retinal oxidation, blue light fatigue and dry eyes. Exposure to irritants, pollutants and harsh sunlight also make the problem worse.
Kerala Ayurveda I-Clear 10 Benefits
In addition to good habits that ease the stress and strain on the eyes, Ayurvedic medicine for eye vision improvement helps to keep the eyes healthy and stress-free. I-Clear 10 Ayurvedic medicine is a completely natural formulation that contains ingredients that help relieve the symptoms of retinal oxidation, dry eye, blurry vision and blue light fatigue. The ingredient marigold is rich in the substance lutein that has been used in herbal medicine for eye stress and strain problems.
Ayurveda And Eye Care
The eyes are governed primarily by the Pitta Dosha and the Alochaka Pitta sub-Dosha. This Dosha gets unbalanced with age and stress. Good eye care habits and Ayurvedic medicine for eyes help to keep the eyes in good health. The eyes have all the five elements involved in balance to keep them functioning properly. The muscles in the eye are the earth element, fire governs the blood vessels and the air element controls the colour. The whites of the eye are water element governed and the space element controls the tear ducts and channels.
Ayurveda advocates that one should always work with an appropriately bright light to avoid eye strain. Working in dim light is not recommended and too much time in bright sunlight is not good for the eyes either. Fixedly staring at a screen or TV is also detrimental to eye health. One should periodically look at objects far and near. One should not subject the eyes to abrupt temperature changes. When you have been exercising or have been out on a hot day, it is better to cool off naturally before splashing the face and eyes with cold water.
Ayurveda recommends eye yoga exercises to maintain optimum vision. Certain yoga poses are also good for the eyesight. Palming the eyes with warm cupped palms is a good way to reduce eye stress. A diet that to keep the Doshas in balance taking into overall consideration the Dosha balance of the person is good for the eyes as well. Staying well hydrated and eating a diet rich in nutrients is good for eye health. Almonds and Ayurvedic herbs and Ayurvedic medicine for eye vision improvement can be taken to maintain eye health. Too much crusty discharge when waking up and eyes that feel dry are a sign of Vata Dosha imbalance. This would require Ayurvedic treatment for dry eyes to balance the Dosha and lubricate the eyes. When eyes are exposed to smoke, irritants or stressed due to lack of sleep they become red due to an imbalanced Pitta Dosha. This can also be treated with Ayurvedic medication to balance the Doshas.
Eye Care – An overview
It is vital that you maintain a diet that is rich in nutrition to have good eyesight. Foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, vitamins C and E and zinc help delay age-related eye problems. Eyes should be protected from UV radiation by wearing protective eyewear when out in sunlight for long periods of time. Smoking is a habit that is very harmful to the eyes and should be discontinued. One should maintain proper posture and habits to avoid eye strain when working at a computer or a phone. A person should wear protective eye gear when participating in hazardous sports and activities that could be potentially harmful to the eyes. Blinking often, using anti-glare screens and ensuring that all eyeglass/contact lens prescriptions are up to date is good for eye health.