Kaisoragulgulu Vatika Gulika - AVP Ayurveda
Regular price
Rs. 150.00
Availability: Available Unavailable
Product Type: Gulika
Product Vendor: AVP Ayurveda (Arya Vaidya Pharmacy)
Product SKU: AK-AVP090A
- Ayurvedic Medicine
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Product Details
Kaisoragulgulu Vatika Gulika - AVP Ayurveda
Kaisoragulguluvatika Gulika Ayurvedic medicine from AVP Ayurveda
Kaisoragulgulu Vatika Dosage:
two tablets two or three times a day, after food.
Kaisoragulgulu Vatika Side effects:
People with gastritis, diarrhoea and dysentery should take precaution, while taking this medicine.
Do’s and Don’ts while taking Guggulu – While taking Guggulu, it is best to avoid sour tasting food, (because, it may cause indigestion), Sex, strong physical activity, Excessive sun exposure, alcohol consumption and anger.